Sacramento River Fishing Guides and Fishing Charter Service/Northern California Fishing Guide 530-722-8876

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SACRAMENTO RIVER SALMON FISHING REPORT 9/5/22 - “Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the salmon are coming…”

…are the salmon are coming?”Indeed they are. The bulk of the last full moons migration of Sacramento River fall run chinook salmon, have pushed through the metro Sacramento, Ca area. Arriving in Verona, Ca (the confluence of the Feather River) early this past weekend. Giving salmon anglers in the area something to get excited about. They instantly went to work on the mega school of fresh chinooks. Just down river from the mouth (confluence) of the Feather River. Taking full advantage as the massive school of kings poured through. Salmon fishing guide Ryan Tripp (ryantrippsguideservice) took full advantage of the rare opportunity to navigate up the Feather River in search of King Salmon. While the river sustains much higher and more navigable water flows then usual. The For those unknowing, the Feather River from Verona, Ca up river to Boydes Pump boat launch facility in Yuba City, Ca is inundated with very shallow and hazardous sand bars. Which extend from one side of the Feather River to the other. Deceiving direction of travel is confusing to even the most trained eye. Making navigation a challenge to say the least. Many unknowing vessels have ended up stuck and stranded in the Feather River before they ever lost site of the Verona, Ca marina. Heading down the Feather River from Boyde’s Pump in Yuba City, Ca is even worse to navigate, and is not recommended to any anglers. Even at the current flow rate of 3,000cfs.

A substantial amount of fresh, dime bright King Salmon pushed up both the Sacramento River and Feather River this past week. Salmon were witnessed by anglers as they advanced up the Feather River on several separate occasions this past week. Salmon were also seen jumping in the nearly 76 degree waters of the Sacramento River. Leaving the cooler waters of the confluence at Verona, Ca behind the. The salmon who take a left hand turn at the confluence, still face the over 100 mile journey up the Sacramento River. Swimming through the lethal river water temperatures of the lower Sacramento River, which they will be lucky to make it out alive. These chinooks of the Sacramento River have to swim a very long way to travel before arriving in suitable river conditions (Red Bluff, Ca). Water suitable for their reproduction. The very reason this years salmon run has been reluctant to engage. Which in turn has left a major lull in the upper river salmon fisheries on both these rivers. Now a solid month has passed with very little, or no new fresh fish coming into the upper sections of these rivers. Where all the salmon fishing guides eagerly await their arrival. The a salmon fishing guides who fail to recognize these ongoings, and who fail to except that things are playing out much differently then usual. Continuing to take their clients out with little or no expectations. Defining the word “Insanity” better then Mr. Webster himself. “Insanity”- as defined by Albert Einstein…”to do the same thing over and over expecting different results…”

On the other hand there are the pro-active fishing guides. The ones who made the conscious decision to identify the problems at hand. Seeking out and eliminating possible tangents as to the salmons exact whereabouts, and behaviors. These few salmon fishing guides found themselves in wide open salmon fishing. Laying down limits of banner three and four year old king salmon twice a day for their clients this past week. Salmon fishing guides Ryan Tripp (RyanTrippsGuideService), and Mike Rasmussen (SalmonSacRiver), accompanied by Robert Petty (NorthStateSalmon), have repeatedly smashed on the late migrating King Salmon this past week. While they moved though the scorching lower river systems of the Feather and Sacramento Rivers. Posting their group photos of fresh kings to virtually silent social media platforms. Giving salmon season 2022 life again. The trio of fishing guides who left the comforts of home and familiar waters, in trade for long boat rides in sweltering hot air temperatures, while navigating unfamiliar waters. Not only did they have the best week of salmon fishing this entire season, but brought a full court press on those salmon fishing guides who sit complacently up river waiting for something that time has no bearing on. If intending to hire a professional fishing guide to ensure “catching” at this point in the season. Consider this! Steer clear of “fishing teams” who send you to a predetermined fishing location. Where disappointment from the previous days group of clients still lingers. Who’s social media and website photos reek of insane behavior. For example, posts depicting a single salmon photo, day after day as the 2022 salmon season passes by. Consider choosing the salmon fishing guide that’s meeting location is subject to last minute change. Who’s social media post consist of group photos, not individual pictures. Considering these differences when choosing a salmon fishing guide this season, may leave you better served.

Do not expect salmon fishing to improve much in the upper sections of either the Sacramento River or Feather River in the next week or two. Scheduled water drops on both river systems by state agencies, in addition to another record breaking heat wave here in the Northern Sacramento Valley. Will likely put a halt to the migration of salmon which are already a month behind schedule. Anglers can expect things to change in accordance with the cooling of fall weather. In the meantime, if it’s salmon you are after. Contacting a professional fishing guide service who are on the fish real time, is going to be your best bet. Tight Lines!

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.