Sacramento River Fishing Guides and Fishing Charter Service/Northern California Fishing Guide 530-722-8876

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Endangered Spring Run Chinook Salmon Found Dead! March 14, 2022 -“What The Actual…..”

….heck is going on? Here we are in the middle of a severe drought in Northern California. Working together with groups like GGSA (Golden Gate Salmon Association), NCGASA (Norcal Guides And Sportsmen Association), the CDFW (California Department of Fish and Wildlife), PMFC (Pacific Marine Fishery Council), and others agencies. Hashing out the options in preserving our states four distinct salmon runs. During the current drought in California. Two of which are federally listed under the Endangered Species Act in 1999. For the discussion of this blog we are referring to the Central Valley Spring Run Chinook Salmon (CVSR). Particularly the spring run entering Butte Creek, near Colusa, Ca. Hosting the largest number of remaining spring run chinook salmon in tributaries of the Sacramento River in Northern California. The CVSR (Central Valley Spring Run Chinook Salmon) was listed by our state and federally listed as “threatened”. No fishing has been aloud for this run of chinook salmon in a very long time. The spring run was the most abundant of the four runs of Sacramento River chinook salmon. With run escapement (returning adult chinook salmon) reaching nearly a half a million specimens annually. Now clinging desperately to their mere existence.

Federally endangered Spring Run Chinook Salmon found dead at the hands of sudden water diversion in Butte Creek, Northern California

What was witnessed, documented, and released to the public via social media today. Was nothing more then a complete disregard for the environmental impact on Butte Creeks Spring Run Chinook Salmon population. Something that has been taking place for quite some time on Butte Creek. A massive kill off of hundreds (soon to be thousands) of the “threatened” CVSR chinook salmon. Was documented for the second year in a row by conservationist Christopher Tockatlian. Who lives on Butte Creek in the troubled and lethal section of the Butte Sink. Comprised of million dollar duck hunting clubs, million dollar rice farms, and billion dollar water districts. This area is a maze of water diversion. Not to mention the water distribution the area demands. Unlimited water rights grandfathered in to local land owners pre 1908. Leave the “anything goes” mentality for local water district when it comes time for distribution. Leaving the “threatened” CVSR chinooks to suffocate and die in oxygen. As their waterway recedes to nothing at the hands of water district’s sudden diversion. As was the case at the famous White Mallard Duck Club on March 13, 2022. Tocatlian who care takes the gun club and entertains its members. Stumbled upon the scene that unfolded in the attached video. Showing the irresponsibility and utter disregard for a known and documented, federally listed endangered species. Who have migrated up this waterway for all of time. The bold acts of the water district 1004 show the arrogance at the immunity money can give. Disregarding the timing of the known migration patterns of these anadromous salmonoids. Killing them off without hesitation when the whistle is blown.
Sadly in these times where literally every fish matters. There are still some that feel the existence of California’s most important fish species, is meaningless. Caring less if every last one is gone. Hats off to those who don’t turn their shoulder to wrong doings. Who stand up for what they believe is right. For those who fight the loosing battle because it’s right. I choose to be optimistic concerning salmon restoration, preservation and eternal existence. However I am not blinded by the reality that under current conditions Chinook Salmon could disappear from California waters in a matter of another generation or two. I join Christopher Tocatlian in his efforts to pull the sheets off the atrocities taking place in his backyard on Butte Creek. As you read this blog right now, be rest assured their are CVSR chinook salmon dying as you read. Total losses in this area in 2021 were estimated at 10,000+ CVSR. So it has just begun this year.

March 22, 2018 kill off of endangered spring run chinook salmon on Butte Creek, Northern California.

If you find this video from Chris Tocatlian disturbing, heart breaking, frustrating, or bothers you in anyway. It should! It isn’t right! It is likely to be illegal, and morally it’s just wrong. If you feel inclined to get involved in helping efforts to stop these kinds of things from transpiring. Your best efforts are spent joining and backing the interest of organizations like the GGSA, and NCGASA. The GGSA has spearheaded the fight for California’s chinook salmon, and has been around for quite some time now. Visit their website and become a member. Make a stand for what is right if it’s on your heart. Join the GGSA and the fight to preserve California’s four unique salmon runs in Central and Northern California.