Sacramento River Fishing Guides and Fishing Charter Service/Northern California Fishing Guide 530-722-8876

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Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Report 11/21/22 “Late Fall Run King Salmon Are Chewing The Plug”

Out with the old, in with the new. The fall run chinook salmon have moved to the spawning grounds.  Or into the Hatchery which ever the case may be. As they depart they leave the Sacramento River temporarily empty of salmonoids. Only momentarily though. As a new species of king salmon will arrive on their heals. Late Fall Run Chinook Salmon move into the Sacramento River. This run of Sacramento River Chinook Salmon does not face the same life threatening issues that the fall run chinooks face. Sacramento River water temperatures are much cooler this time of year. Pre-Spawn mortality is almost nonexistent. What this run of chinook salmon lacks in numbers, it makes up for with quality. These fish are dime bright. They also have a tendency to be highly aggressive. It only takes one Late Fall Chinook Salmon in a fishing hole to get a plug bite. Where as the summer run, or the fall run,  you almost have to reinvent the wheel to make one bite a plug. These particular king salmon have become my personal favorites to fish for.

Marching up the Sacramento River at a moderate pace. The Late Fall Chinook Salmon arrive in the upper Sacramento River around the first of November. Or following the first significant rainfall event of the fall season. The peak of this run will occur between Thanksgiving and the end of the salmon season on the Sacramento River (December 31st). They can be targeted in almost any stretch of the Sacramento River. From the “hog line” (boats anchored side by side across the river) in Knights Landing, Ca. All the way up river to the world famous Barge Hole in Cottonwood, Ca. And everywhere in between. This is a plug fisherman’s game. It is also a game of great patients at times. The reward however will certainly be worth waiting for.

The few guides who are actively targeting Late Fall King Salmon on the Sacramento River are finding daily success. “It’s just winding up” reports Mike Rasmussen of Daily success ranging anywhere from a single salmon, to four salmon have been reported by Rasmussen. Who says fishing will become much more consistent in the weeks to come. As the peak of the Late Fall Run Chinook Salmon season arrives. Running from late November through December.

Salmon fishing guide Ryan Tripp ( jumped right into the late fall salmon action. Waisting no time putting some dime bright kings in his boat. Shortly after arriving back into the Sacramento Valley from the North Coast salmon season opener earlier this month. Tripp no stranger to the plug game, made quick work of the targets that appeared on his Garmin fish finder. “A good plug (lure) and a fresh piece of meat (sardine) is all you need to catch these kings”. Explained the salmon fishing guide. Who specializes in Late Fall Run Chinook Salmon fishing on the Sacramento River. Expect much more to come in the weeks ahead as these king salmon move up the Sacramento River. Ending eventually in the famous Barge Hole near Cottonwood, Ca. Where these Kings will stage waiting to spawn. Making them easier targets for anglers to go after.

   If you’re intending to give this Late Fall Run King Salmon fishery a go. Make sure to bring with you a extra large large bag of patients. These particular chinook salmon are constantly on the move. What may seem like a empty and deserted salmon fishing hole, can change in the blink of an eye. It is not uncommon for hours to pass with no take downs, or without witnessing a salmon jump. A frustrating and somewhat boring fishing experience for most of us. However be sure to keep in mind this simple fact when “late fall” fishing the Sacramento River. The chrome bright kings you seek may literally be right around the corner. Possibly only minutes away from crushing your plug as they pass by. Continuing their migration up river to the spawning grounds. Remember to keep in mind this is a different run of Sacramento River Chinook Salmon. These salmon are “in river” and on a different schedule, and migrating under different river conditions then the Fall Run Chinook Salmon, of the summer and early fall months. So naturally these salmon will act differently. So for anglers lacking the ability to spend a tremendous amount of time on the river. Learning these habits, traits, and characteristics of the Late Fall Kings of the Sacramento River. It is always my recommendation to seek out a professional salmon fishing guide to show and teach you things that will lead to your eventual success. When out on your own adventures. Consider it money well spent. On the account that without the years of knowledge a professional fishing guide provides. It may take you years to tangle with your first Late Run King of the Sacramento River. Good luck and Tight Lines out there.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.