Sacramento River Fishing Guides and Fishing Charter Service/Northern California Fishing Guide 530-722-8876

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Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Report September 7, 2021 - Woodson Bridge Or Bust!

The Sacramento River at Woodson Bridge is buzzing with jets boats of all shapes and sizes.  Salmon season has reached full swing. Anglers are flocking to the Sacramento River. From Anderson, Ca down river to Grimes, Ca. Hoping to get their hands on a big bright Chinook Salmon. Plenty of king salmon are currently in river, and more fish are showing up daily. There are still schools of Sacramento River salmon congregated out in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. Waiting to head up the Sacramento River. This salmon season sure feels like the Sac is going to have a much larger then average run of chinook salmon. Things are certainly shaping up as so.

Shaun is all smiles after catching this king salmon, on a afternoon fishing trip at Woodson Bridge in Corning, Ca on August 24, 2021

Woodson Bridge in Corning, Ca was inundated with fishermen over the past week and holiday weekend. Seeing thirty plus boats on Saturday and Sunday. The heavy boat traffic puts the early plug bite down. Even during the early am hours, getting so much as a whiff can be difficult. Leaving fishing guides to drag eggs (boondoggling) to put there clients on fish. Trolling up the soft side of the holes current. Drifting sideways down the fast side. Making the days guided fishing trip go by seemingly quickly. On most days by the time noon has rolled around, a lot of the recreational anglers have headed in. Calling it a day. Succumbing to the mid day’s 100 degree temperatures. As for the fishing guide! He stays actively working. Most shutting down their fishing trips by 1:00pm or 2:00pm at the latest. By 2:00pm-2:30pm on the weekend days. I have found salmon fishing improves tremendously. Once all the jet boats leave the river. When the rumbling V8’s, and screaming outboards stop running over the held up salmon. Giving the river time to quiet down. Fishing in the afternoon until dusk, you may find to be better salmon fishing. It’s likely you will be alone or have very little company during the afternoon heat. It’s also good to keep in mind the fact that salmon are about the only species of fish that we fish for, that aren’t eating. Remember when salmon enter fresh water their stomachs dissipate, their throat closes, and they completely stop eating. As it is the end of life for them once spawning is complete. Point being! There is no better time then another to catch a salmon. The afternoon is no different then the morning as far as the salmon are concerned. The salmon is completely driven to strike out of anger. Because the sound and vibration of your lure makes them feel threatened. Causing instinct to take over. Calling on one of them to track down, stalk, and kill the threat ( the cadence of your plug). To protect the the group of salmon as a whole. Like a “pawn” in the game of chess if you will. So, if you are new to salmon fishing, intimidated by all the boats, don’t like being around crowds, or just enjoy the solitude of fishing a salmon hole by yourself. I would highly recommend changing your game plan. Consider giving a weekday or more importantly a weekend afternoon a chance.

Salmon fishing in the Sacramento River is reaching its peak currently. Expect limit out fishing in the weeks to come..

       As for the rest of the fleet forced to fish the traditional daylight, to 2:00pm hours. Well it is, what it is! Right? Join the over crowded and obnoxious weekend boat traffic. Leave the boat ramp in the dark. Hustle to find your only shot at quite water, before other anglers crowd you, in your own spot. Jockey for position to protect your game plan. Oh, and I certainly wouldn’t get that flashy Beckman net out and waive it around much either. These days before you can get the salmon you are fighting into the net. Some assjack angler slides right into your cool-aid (your spot), as if it’s acceptable behavior. Let me be the first to tell you, in case you don’t already know. Sliding into someone’s spot, where they just hooked up is, would, should, and could be considered asinine, and unacceptable behavior. It would be considered appropriate behavior to let the angler back into the spot he/she just hooked up. So they may make another pass. Now, on the other hand. If a angler leaves his/her spot to go use the restroom, change bait, or any other reason. Other then to fight a salmon they just hooked up. The spot is considered free game. River etiquette 101!  The weekends surely become a grind. Fishing the weekdays when possible will always suit you better. As for the working class who are forced to fish the weekend traffic.  Tighten up your game. It’s the little things that can change your fish count. Pay attention to detail. Maybe something you saw another angler do. Or maybe you saw a salmon jump in a spot no one is fishing ( fish it). Basically if what you’re doing isn’t working. Change it! Keep your mind open and remember this. He/she who spends the most time on the water, wins! The more you are out there spending time on the river, the more you will learn. Period!

A great bag of king salmon photographed on the Woodson Bridge gravel bar this past week. Photo by Robert Petty of

Learning to fish around crowds can be frustrating, embarrassing, and strait up difficult at times. However this is essential to learn how to do in today’s times. There are only going to be more and more anglers in the years to come. Teach yourself now and it will reward you later. Fishing Woodson Bridge in Corning, Ca is a busy place during the peak of the salmon run, come late August through September. But the salmon are there, and that’s the big attraction. Put yourself around the most fish and better your odds of catching. This is why all the salmon fishing guides concentrate at this boat launch location. I recommend you do the same. It would also be recommended that the best way to learn a specific area, and to learn the best techniques used in that area. Is to hire a salmon fishing guide local to the area. Hire a guide and ask questions, learn from a professional that lives in the area you are going to be fishing. Here are some salmon fishing guides local to Corning, Ca and the Woodson Bridge area of the Sacramento River. In no particular order..Robert Petty (, Ryan Tripp (ryantrippsguideservice,com), Dakota Townley (Dakota Townley’s Guide Service), and fishing charter service Most fishing guides will have a few available days left on their September and October 2021 calendars. Booking a reservation sooner then later is probably a solid idea. Contacting one of these reputable salmon fishing charters will greatly improve your understanding of salmon fishing the Woodson Bridge section of the Sacramento River. Good luck out there! See you on the water!

A nice trio of kings for these two local NorCal anglers. These salmon were caught using Kwikfish on the Sacramento River near Corning, Ca.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

White bellies mean chrome salmon. This box of kings completed a two person limit at Woodson Bridge this past week.